Thursday, November 3, 2011

Income Inequality

Read this article on the growing income inequality in America. Yes, it's long... But it's worth it. This will probably be your most comprehensive assignment to date. Best of luck. Take comfort in knowing that it's the last reading...

To help you with these questions, several youtube clips for and against. The first wo are focusing on the disappearance of the middle class from Paul Krugman and Elizabeth Warren--two heavyweights in their respective fields. The Warren talk is about an hour long, but is more than worth it for those who are dedicated and/or have no life.

The second two clips counter the above talks to some extent and are much shorter. The first is from Milton Friedman--one of the most influential economists of the past 100 years and from Michael Novak another distinguished scholar. Enjoy and good luck.

Paul Krugman on the middle class:

Elizabeth Warren, Chairman of the Congressional Oversight Panel: U of CA, Berkely talk on the coming collapse of the middle class:

Milton Friedman on Greed

Michael Novak defending the Rich/Poor Gap

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